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OpenLearning, Japan 利用規約
第1条 (規約の適用)
この規約は、株式会社ネットラーニング(以下「当社」といいます。)がインターネット上で提供するOpenLearning, Japan(以下「本サービス」といいます。)を、会員が利用するに際しての一切に適用されます。
第2条 (用語の定義)
IMS Global Learning Consortiumが規定する国際技術標準規格。
第3条 (会員への通知)
第4条 (規約の変更)
第5条 (規約の範囲)
第6条 (会員登録)
第7条 (IDおよびパスワード)
第8条 (IDおよびパスワードの管理責任)
第9条 (譲渡禁止等)
第10条 (変更の届出)
第11条 (設備等)
第12条 (提供サービス)
第13条 (講座の受講)
2.前項の受講登録により、会員は自身の利用者情報について、別途定めるOpenLearning, Japanプライバシーポリシーの利用目的の範囲において、その一部または全部を、当社が、講座提供者および当社が別途定める者へ提供することに同意したものとみなします。
4.会員は、受講停止中においても、利用者情報を別途定めるOpenLearning, Japanプライバシーポリシーの利用目的の範囲において、当社、講座提供者および当社が別途定める者が利用することに同意したものとみなします。
第14条 (講座の中止、変更)
第15条 (使用範囲)
第16条 (自己責任の原則)
第17条 (その他の禁止事項)
第18条 (会員資格の中断・取り消し)
第19条 (損害賠償)
第20条 (個人情報)
会員が本サービスを利用することを通じて、当社が取得した利用者情報は、第14条2項、および別途定めるOpenLearning, Japanプライバシーポリシーに従い取り扱うものとします。本規約とプライバシーポリシーの内容が異なる場合は、OpenLearning, Japanプライバシーポリシーの内容が優先して適用されるものとします。
第21条 (サービス条件)
第22条 (サービスの中止、変更)
第23条 (サービスの一時的な中断)
第24条 (免責)
4. 会員は、本サービスの利用に関連して、第三者に損害を与えた場合または第三者との間に紛争を生じた場合、自己の費用と責任において、かかる損害を賠償またはかかる紛争を解決するものとし、当社および講座提供者には一切の損害を与えないものとします。
第25条 (協議)
第26条 (知的財産権)
第27条 (専属的合意管轄裁判所)
第28条 (言語)
第29条 (準拠法)
第30条 (一般条項)
Corporate User Contract Provisions, OpenLearning, Japan
Article 1 (Implementation of regulations)
These terms and conditions (Hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) apply to OpenLearning, Japan (Hereinafter referred to as the "Service") provided by NetLearning, Inc. (Hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) The Company provides the Service on the internet as provided by NetLearning, Inc.
2. Our holding company NetLearning Holdings, Inc. and other organizations and companies designated by us may function as our agents and representatives for some of our actions, rights, and obligations as set forth below.
Article 2 (Definition of terminology)
The terminology in these regulations is defined as follows:
Individuals who applied to use the Service with the Company’s approval
Applying members
Individuals who wish to become Members of the Service
Membership registration information
The information entered by Applying members on our registration form upon registering. |
User information
The generic term for membership registration information (information provided at the time of membership registration), posted information (information registered during the course attendance period), tabulated information (information compiled from membership registration information and posted information), activity history (information automatically collected as users use the Service), and other personal information of members as acquired by the Company.
The generic term for online courses offered through the Service and classes offered at universities and other educational institutions.
Course provider
The organization or individual who will be the main provider of the course
Course registration
Application for a course that the Members wish to take
Course learner
The Member who has registered for specific course or courses
BBT (Discussion)
Bulletin boards provided by the Service that allow course participants and course providers to post information
All information and software on the system and web server that make up the Service. (This includes all text, images, videos, and other information provided through the Service, such as remarks made by Members or course participants in their postings.)
Posted information
Postings to discussion boards, answers and comments on assignments, grading and comments on peer grading, and other submissions made by course participants in the course.
Certificate of completion
The learning certification provided to the Course learner who has completed the due requirements
Open badge
An international technical standard defined by the IMS Global Learning Consortium; the digital certificates of completion for qualifications, learning, training, etc. that are interoperable across platforms
Article 3 (Member notification)
The Company will communicate and make available on the internet, or in ways as the Company deems most appropriate, to users at all times the matters related to these Regulations.
2. Any notification about Item 1 will be effective at the same time the Company performs the procedure according to the Regulations. 。
3. Notifications performed by the Company will be incorporated in the Regulations.
Article 4 (Amendments)
The Company may alter the Regulations without user approval. In such cases, the Service terms and conditions will be according to the revised Regulations.
2. The revised Regulations will be announced to users of the Service according to Article 3, and the users will be deemed to have agreed to the same, unless the user makes a claim about it.
Article 5 (Regulation premises)
Whenever the Company makes any individual service regulation, separately or additionally, the newly added regulation or regulations will have priority over the original Regulations.
2. In case the individual, separate individual or additional service differs from the original Regulations, the individual or additional service will have priority over the original Regulations.
Article 6 (Membership registration)
The Applying members will perform the membership registration on the “Membership Registration” page on the Company website. Applying members are required to comprehend and agree to the Regulations as well as provide their valid and correct information at the time of this application.
2. The Applying member shall apply for membership in person.
3. In case the Applying member is underage, adult supervised or assisted by a guardian, conservator or curator, the individual can apply in person; however, the person must obtain advance consent from the legal representative, guardian, curator, or assistant.
4. The Applying member will become the Member at the point the application is confirmed and approved by the Company, and the individual can use the Service limited to Members. The "Registration Completed" message on the "Membership Registration" web page will stand as the notification of acceptance from the Company to the Applying member.
5. The Company reserves the right to cancel the membership application if any of the following conditions apply to the Applying member. The Company shall not be obligated to disclose to the applicant the details of the Company's decision.
(1) When the Applying member is already a Member
(2) When the Applying member has previously violated the Regulations
(3) When there are any false entries in the application items, or when any of these items are left incomplete
(4) The applicant is underage, adult ward supervised and assisted by a guardian, conservator or curator and has not obtained the consent of a legal representative, guardian, conservator, curator or assistant at the time of application for using the Service
(5) When our company deems the applicant to be ineligible for any other reasons
Article 7 (ID and password)
After accepting the membership applicant's application and completing the Member registration, the Company issues an ID (hereinafter referred to as "ID") to the member to receive the Service. The ID will be used together with the member's registered password (hereinafter referred to as "password") to log in to the Service. Use of the issued ID is limited to the individual Member.
Article 8 (Responsibility for ID and password management)
Members shall be solely responsible for the use and management of their respective IDs and passwords.
2. Neither the Company nor the course provider shall be liable for any damage incurred by a Member due to the use of the Member's ID and password by a third party, regardless of whether such use is intentional or negligent.
3. If a Member discovers that the individually issued ID or password has been stolen or used by a third party, the member shall immediately notify the Company and follow the Company's instructions.
Article 9 (Prohibition of membership transfer)
Members may not assign, buy, sell, transfer, pledge, or otherwise offer as collateral, their membership rights to any third party.
Article 10 (Changes in service details, etc.)
If there is a change in the information submitted to the Company, the member shall promptly notify the Company of the change in the manner prescribed by the Company.
2. The Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage incurred by a Member due to failure to notify the Company as indicated in Item 1.
Article 11 (Facilities and other tools)
Members shall prepare, at their own expense and responsibility, all communication equipment, software, and all other equipment necessary to use the Service. Members shall also connect to the Service via the internet at their own cost and responsibility.
Article 12 (Provided services)
The Company provides a platform service that enables Members to take online, university-level courses via the internet.
2. The course provider is the operator of the courses (courses) offered in the Service.
3. Through the Service, Members may take courses for which they have registered by watching and viewing course content, taking tests, responding to assignments, and participating in online bulletin boards (for discussion).
4. For courses for which a Certificate of Completion is issued, the certificate will be issued after the course period to members who have fulfilled the set completion requirements. For relevant open badge issuing courses, open badges will be issued in addition to the above certificates.
Article 13 (Taking courses)
Members may register for courses during the course registration period by clicking the "Register" button.
2. By registering for a course in accordance with Item 1, Members will agree that the Company may provide their user information, in whole or in part, to course providers and other parties as determined by the Company, within the scope of the purposes of use indicated in the OpenLearning, Japan, Privacy Policy.
3. The Member may cancel a course individually enrolled in by course cancellation. Members may also resume taking courses that have been suspended by re-registering for the same course.
4. Members will agree that even while the course is suspended, the user information may be used by the Company, the course provider, and other parties separately determined by the Company within the scope of the purposes of use set forth in the OpenLearning, Japan, Privacy Policy.
5. The course provider is responsible for the course content, and the Company assumes no responsibility for course contents.
Article 14 (Course cancellation and alteration)
The Company and course providers reserve the right to discontinue or change any or all of the courses that are being offered, recruited, or prepared, with advance agreement of Members.
Article 15 (User limitations)
Members may use the Content only for personal use.
2. The Member must not disclose the contents of the Service to a third party.
3. Members shall not establish, distribute, sell, transfer, or lend the right to reuse the Service to any third party.
4. Members shall not allow any third party to violate any of the preceding paragraphs.
Article 16 (Principles of self-responsibility)
Members will take responsibility for any and all acts performed using the Service under their ID and password and for the results thereof, regardless of whether or not they performed such acts themselves.
2. Members are individually responsible for any information posted on the Course site.
3. Members recognize that the Company is not obligated to store any posted information, and that it is the Member’s responsibility to back up any necessary posted information, as necessary.
4. Members shall handle and resolve at their own responsibility and expense any inquiries or claims from third parties notified to them in connection with their use of the Service, such as when Member defames other parties, violate privacy rights, disclose third-party personal information without permission, violate the Copyright Act (Act No. 48 of 1970), or otherwise infringe upon the rights of others through their posted information.
5. If a member has a request, question, or complaint regarding the actions of a third party, the member shall notify the third party directly, and the member shall handle and resolve them by taking personal responsibility and expense for the results.
6. If a member causes damage to the Company or a third party as a result of using the Service, the Member will personally compensate for the damage by taking individual responsibility about the expense and will not cause any damage to the Company or the course provider.
Article 17 (Other prohibited matters)
Members shall not engage in any of the following acts on the Service. If a Member engages in any of the following acts, the Service may take measures such as suspending use of the Service, terminating membership, deleting part or all of the Member's information, or altering or otherwise limiting the scope of access to the Service.
(1) Inappropriate use of the (issued) ID and password
(2) Behavior that uses or provides malicious programs such as computer viruses in relation to the Service
(3) Behavior that creates generative documentation based on the Contents, fully or partially
(4) Spam activities as follows:
a. Repeated posting of identical or similar phrases on the Service web page available for posting
b. Posting unrelated, highly irrelevant or extremely long words and phrases and listing multiple numbers of them in specific places on the Service web page available for posting
c. Repeatedly posting the same URL in specific places on the Service web page
(5) Behavior that impinge on the Company’s and the course provider’s patent rights and intellectual property rights
(6) Behavior that duplicate, sell, publish, etc. the data, information, documentation, software, and other references acquired by using the Service, beyond the scope as limited for personal use by copyright laws
(7) Behavior that impinge on third-party rights to assets, privacy, or likeness, and behavior that risks such outcomes
(8) Behavior that involves discrimination or libel about a third party, or behavior that defames or dishonors a third party
(9) Criminal behavior or actions that lead to or risk criminal behavior
(10) Activities that involve promote sex culture, religion, or politics
(11) Behavior not included above but trespass the general rules and laws, the Regulations, and publicly accepted behavior (Such as prostitution, violence, cruelty, etc.), behavior that disturbs the Service operations, behavior that undermine general confidence for or destroy the reputation of the Company, impinge on the finances of the Company, or behavior that will damage the Company’s profit
(12) Behavior that may support or enhance those mentioned above
(13) Other behavior deemed inappropriate by the Company
Article 18 (Termination and cancellation of membership)
If a Member applies to any of the following conditions, the Company may immediately suspend or prospectively revoke the membership of the same Member without prior notice.
(1) When there is violation of the Regulations, or it is discovered that there has been past trespass of the Regulations
(2) When it is discovered that the Member has not obtained consent of the legal representative, guardian, conservator, curator or assistant, as stipulated in Item 3, Article 6
(3) In case there is delay in payment of fees for using the Service, or there is any other unpaid debts
(4) When it is discovered that the Member’s registered information includes falsification, incorrect or incomplete information
(5) When the Company deems that the Member disturbed the Service operations, either intentionally or unintentionally
(6) In case the Member performs the actions indicated in Items 2, 3, 4 of Article 16 (User limitations), or in Article 18 (Other prohibited matters)
(7) Other cases where the Company determines the Member to be ineligible for membership
2. The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred as a result of the Member's inability to use the Service due to the above-mentioned measures.
Article 19 (Liability compensation)
If a Member causes damage to a third party, including the Company and course providers, as a result of a violation of the Regulations or the law, the Member will be personally liable for compensation for such damage and shall waive the liability of third parties, including the Company.
Article 20 (Personal information)
User information obtained by OpenLearning, Inc. through the use of the Service by Members shall be handled in accordance with Item 2, Article 14, and the OpenLearning, Japan, Privacy Policy. In case there is any discrepancy between the Regulations and the Privacy Policy, the OpenLearning, Japan, Privacy Policy shall prevail.
Article 21 (Service conditions)
With respect to the operation of the Service, the Company may monitor the use of the Service and, if deemed necessary, restrict access to the Service at its own discretion.
2. The Company may delete any posted information that the Company deems inappropriate for the provision of this Service without the consent of the Member who posted it.
Article 22 (Service termination and alteration)
Members will agree in advance that the Company may discontinue or change all or part of the Service, or change the Service’s naming, without prior notice to Members.
Article 23 (Temporary suspension of service)
The Company may temporarily suspend the Service without prior notice to Members in the event of any of the following events
(1) If there is a problem with the internet and internet access becomes unavailable.
(2) When the Company's internet connection service provider, to whom the Company has outsourced the internet connection for this service, has any dysfunction in its communication facilities, etc., and the internet connection becomes unavailable.
(3) When maintenance of equipment for the service is performed on a regular or emergency basis, or when the maintenance is performed on a regular basis, the Member will be notified at least one month in advance.
(4) In the event that the Service cannot be provided due to fire, power outage, etc.
(5) In the event that the Service cannot be provided due to natural disasters such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, flood, tsunami, etc.
(6) In the event that the Service cannot be provided due to war, upheaval, riot, disturbance, labor disputes, the spread of epidemic and contagious diseases, etc.
(7) When we deem it necessary to temporarily suspend the Service for any other operational or technical reasons.
2. The Company and course providers will not be liable for any damages incurred by Members or third parties resulting from delays or interruptions in providing the Service according to any of the above-indicated items or for any other reason.
Article 24 (Liability exemption)
The content of the Service shall be what we are able to provide at the time.
2. The Company and course providers shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Members (including damages caused by problems with third parties) or third parties as a result of the use of the Service. The Company and course providers shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Members or third parties as a result of the use of this Service and shall not be obligated to compensate for any such damages.
3. The Company and course providers shall not be liable for any loss or damage incurred by Members or third parties due to unavailability of the Service as a result of restricted access to the Service, or suspension or interruption of the Service regardless of the reason and shall not be liable for any compensation for such loss or damage. The Company shall not be liable for any damages incurred by the Member or any third party as a result of the service being unavailable for any reason.
4. If a Member causes damage to a third party or has a dispute with a third party in connection with the use of the Service, the Member shall compensate for such damage or resolve such dispute with personal expense and responsibility and shall not cause any damage to the Company or the course provider.
Article 25 (Discussion in case of conflict)
If a dispute arises between a Member and the Company in relation to the Service, both parties concerned shall consult with each other in good faith.
Article 26 (Intellectual property rights)
Copyrights and other intellectual property rights to all text, graphics, images, video, music, sound, logos, button icons, statements, items, resources, software, and other works related to this service are the property of the Company, course providers, authors of such works, or other authorized third parties. The Member shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the use of the website. Members may not use such copyrighted materials beyond the scope permitted by the Regulations and the separately stipulated individual terms and conditions, as well as by copyright law and other laws and regulations.
2. All trademarks, service marks, logos, or service function names associated with the Service are trademarks or registered trademarks of the Company, course providers, or third parties. Members may not use them without permission.
3. Copyrights to information posted by Members shall belong to the relevant Members. However, the Member grants the rights to reproduce, publicly transmit, edit, modify, adapt, translate, and any other rights necessary to use or exploit the posted information worldwide shall be granted free of charge to the Company and the course provider. The grant of such rights shall remain in effect even after the termination of the license.
4. Members shall not exercise any moral rights of copyright regarding any information posted while using the Service against the Company or course providers.
Article 27 (Judicial court for exclusive discussion)
In the event that a lawsuit is necessary between a Member and the Company, the Tokyo District Court shall be the exclusive court of first instance for the Member and the Company.
Article 28 (Language)
The Japanese language shall be the official language of the Regulations. Even if the same Regulations are translated into other languages for reference purposes, only the Japanese language version shall have legal force and effect, and translations into other languages shall have no force or effect whatsoever.
Article 29 (Provisionary laws)
The Regulations shall be governed and construed by Japanese law.
Article 30 (General conditions)
Any rights of the Company or the course provider arising from this Agreement shall not be waived unless the Company or the course provider expressly notifies the Member of the waiver.
2. If any provision of the Regulations is determined to be in violation of law, invalid or unenforceable, the part of the Regulations other than that in question shall remain valid and enforceable.
3. Any legal action concerning the Regulations or Service must be made within one year of the incident.
These regulations were revised and have been effective since March 27, 2025.
These regulations were revised and have been effective since June 16, 2023.
These regulations were revised and have been effective since April 27, 2020.
These regulations were revised and have been effective since April 26, 2016.
These regulations have been effective since July 25, 2014.